The next installment in the series will feature an in-depth interview with the mental health treatment pioneer
By William Wagner
Next up in the Recovery Reimagined series: Matt Vogl, MPH, one of the nation’s leading advocates for the role of technology in producing better mental health outcomes.

Recovery Reimagined is a collaboration between the National Association of Treatment Providers (NAATP) and Through a series of interviews with some of the top minds in addiction and mental health treatment, our aim to is to arrive at potential solutions for some of the most pressing issues facing the field. We want to play a role in “reimagining” the way clinicians and the population at large think about addiction and mental health care.
Vogl certainly belongs on the list of esteemed treatment figures. As executive director of the National Mental Health Innovation Center (NMHIC) at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus, he is working on ways to use technology to treat and prevent mental illness.
Talking Tech with Matt Vogl
Our interview with Vogl will be conducted by Annie Peters, PhD, LP, director of research and education for the NAATP. “Healthcare is now changing at the speed of technological innovation, and it can be hard for treatment providers to keep up,” she says. “Tech can now bridge the gap between science and practice, and we have the capacity to reach more people faster, and more personally, than ever before. But there are risks and questions about ethics, effectiveness and value concerning the wide variety of digital health technologies currently available. When I have these questions, I look to Matt Vogl and his team at the National Mental Health Innovation Center.”
“Matt is so exciting to talk to because he understands mental illness and knows all about the latest tech tools … that can help us as providers to get more people the support they need.”
—Annie Peters, NAATP
Indeed, Peters can’t wait to pick Vogl’s fertile mind. “Matt is so exciting to talk to because he understands mental illness and knows all about the latest tech tools—virtual reality, artificial intelligence, wearables, etc.—that can help us as providers to get more people the support they need,” she says.
Look for our interview with Vogl in the coming weeks. In the meantime, read our inaugural Recovery Reimagined interview, which is with John Kelly, PhD, ABPP, the founder and director of the Recovery Research Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital.