Addiction Treatment Industry Newswire |
07/22/2013 -ATIN – In the wake of vociferous complaints by addiction treatment drug rehab alcohol rehab advocates and consumers in front the state Senate committee he chairs, New Jersey Senator Robert Gordon (D. Bergen) is considering introducing legislation that would in essence guarantee 30-day inpatient stays for New Jersey residents with insurance coverage. The legislation would be modeled on Pennsylvania, where addictions care decisions – inpatient vs. outpatient, number of days etc… – are placed firmly in the hands of addiction treatment center medical staff as opposed to health insurer doctor gatekeepers, legislation that is virtual treatment mandate and is likely the most pro addictions consumer regulation of any state in the nation.
Trenton Hearings In testimony before the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee, New Jersey families and addictions advocates described what they said was a utilization review process that has become broken when it comes to determining addictions care, with what was described as often overly stringent definitions of “medically necessary” on the part of private and government health insurers. The insurers say that laws like those proposed by Senator Gordon would lead to abuses on the part of addiction treatment providers who might, for example, recommend inpatient care when outpatient care was more appropriate. Arguably the nation’s leading addiction treatment industry lobbyer, New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies CEO Debra Wentz told the committee that New Jersey Medicaid reimbursement rates for addictions are woefully inadequate, reminding them that study after study has shown the huge bang-for-buck such spending brings. NJ Palimony Addictions issues have been relatively high profile in the administration of Republican Governor Chris Christie. But instead of moving in the direction described ab POST YOUR COMMENTS BELOW… start a debate! Got Addiction News? …TELL US! |